PHOTO: Jocelyn Marx

Jocelyn Marx

Jocelyn Marx has received the Edith M. Pritchard Scholarship for the 2024-2025 school year. Jocelyn Marx received her BSN from York College in Pennsylvania in 2015. She then received her master's in nursing education in 2019 from Chamberlain University. Currently, Jocelyn is enrolled in the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program with a focus on healthcare leadership at Chamberlain University. Jocelyn is a nationally certified holistic nurse and embeds holistic nursing into all aspects of her nursing practice. Jocelyn’s background includes medical-surgical nursing, critical care, and nursing supervisor. Currently, she manages a robust nursing residency program, which is truly her passion. Jocelyn loves being a support system for the new nurses entering what she considers the greatest profession in the world. Jocelyn currently is also an adjunct professor at Georgian Court University in the BSN and ABSN programs.

Jocelyn became a nurse because she knew from a young age, she wanted to help support patients as they go through a difficult time in their lives. She recognized that nurses’ are the ones who spend the most time with the patients and can be the ones to bring light on their darkest days. Jocelyn’s great-aunt Rie (who entered the nursing world in 1946!) motivated her to become a nurse after telling her many amazing stories about nursing throughout the years. She continued to guide Jocelyn through the nursing profession until her passing in 2022, which goes to show that the saying is true, “once a nurse, always a nurse!”

Jocelyn chose to get her DNP in healthcare leadership because it can enable her to continue her work with the nursing residency program and achieve her goals of improving nursing retention and the workplace environment. Jocelyn believes that instilling a sense of resilience, positivity, and inspiration is key when it comes to maintaining healthy work environments and retaining nurses for life. Jocelyn presented these methods as a podium presenter at the Sigma Healthy Workplace Environment Conference in Washington DC in March of 2024, and the annual ANCC Transition to Practice symposium in New Orleans in May of 2024. Jocelyn has also been published in the American Holistic Nurses’ Association’s magazine “Beginnings” with an article titled “Helping New Nurses Light Shine Bright.” With her DNP, Jocelyn will be able to continue this work to help new nurses find joy in the daily work that they do.

Jocelyn was ecstatic to receive this scholarship and is so incredibly grateful. With this scholarship, Jocelyn can continue her education and be on track to graduate with her DNP. She is looking forward to graduating in spring of 2025!

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