Nancy Wise, a doctoral student at Villanova University in Radnor Township, Pennsylvania, is the first graduate nursing student to be awarded the Cynthia Davis Sculco Scholarship.
Nancy's primary area of interest is the number of pregnant adolescents who present risk factors (e.g. preterm and low birth weight babies) related to poor nutrition. During her time as an OB/anesthesia nurse educator she conducted two studies in adolescent pregnancy that resulted in her dissertation: "Nutrition Knowledge, Healthy Eating Behaviors and Personal Self-Efficacy in Pregnant Adolescents".
Ms Wise would like to collaborate with other health care professionals to conduct more research to prevent adolescent pregnancy risk factors. Beginning this fall she will be teaching two courses - "Nursing Research" and "Nurses As Adult Learners", in the Eastern Mennonite University RN to BSN Program.
(2017-2018 Winner)
The recipient of the 2017 Judith G. Whitaker Scholarship is Carrie Rewakowski, who has practiced as a registered nurse for 19 years in a wide variety of roles. Carrie has held positions in acute care, oncology,... read more.
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